It‘s Sunday, March 10th and at this point I just can’t believe how long everything takes to get a boat ready to sail 1200 miles! Holy smokes.
Even though the propeller is the biggest setback and is delaying our departure, we’ve also needed to set up the entire solar power system for backup, emergency rudder, overhaul the head (thank you David - he only did it for me), install stereo speakers (you gotta have tuneage!), seal up the leaks and get all the provisions (food, rum and diet, yummy snacks, hardcore seasick patches - those kind of things). Our Angel today was Missy (and in a bit, I’ll tell you why) who is in charge of who comes in and out of moorage at the marina. We were told by the Danish manufacturer of the propeller that we would receive it by Saturday. The UPS tracking said it wouldn’t arrive until Monday. Ugh! That sets us back at least two more days. When we got to CGSG (Coconut Grove Sailing Club) Missy happened to provide the water taxi service out to our boat. We’d never met her and while she was transporting us to the boat (farthest buoy out) she mentioned that David had a package in her office, small and heavy! Dave and I looked at each other...the propeller! It came yesterday! Argh. Nonetheless, it was GREAT news and for sure we could take off in the morning and head north to pull the boat at either Playboy or Crackerboy Boatyard. Thanks Missy for the awesome surprise...a beautiful shiny brass propeller.
Our days have been LONG. This morning we started at 7 and fell into bed at 11:30pm. Dinner consisted of corn chips and pineapple salsa, dinner sized avocados, sliced up bagels with peanut butter and light beer. Dinner of champions don’t you say?!!

We’re hopeful we can pull the boat out of the water tomorrow at Playboy boatyard (yes, its actually called that), but our other option is Cracker Boy (affectionately know as Crack Boy) in Riviera Beach. Dave chose Playboy in hopes the boats draft isn’t too much (we draw 7’7”). Playboy boatyard is 20 miles north so we’ll need to head that way barring they can’t take us. Crackerboy is 50 miles north so that’ll take a good 6 hours if that’s where we need to go.
I have more stories to share but I’m exhausted!